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By Dan Johnson

Variance in Real Estate: What It Is and Why It Matters

Variance in Real Estate: What It Is and Why It Matters

Your search for the perfect business location ends abruptly when authorities bar your proposed commercial applications through current zoning restrictions. This is where use variance real estate comes into play. Property owners can use variances as a tool to seek exemptions from zoning restrictions, which act as fundamental elements for investors i...
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Mortgage Refinance

The Risks and Rewards of Locking In Your Mortgage Rate

Locking in a low rate seems like a simple decision, but is there a catch?
Home Equity

The 3 Best and 3 Worst Ways to Use Your Home Equity

Protect your hard-earned investment!
Home Buying

What Usually Causes a Home to Fail Inspection?

When a sale falls through after a home inspection, it's often because the buyer's expectations didn't match reality.
Home Loan

When Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?

Believe it or not, mortgage prepayment isn't for every borrower.
Getting Started

This Happens to Your House If You Die Without a Will

To your spouse, to your kids, or to the (gulp) state—where does your house go if you leave no will?
Home Improvement

7 Home Renovations That Can Hurt Your Home's Value

Are you helping or hurting your bottom line?
Mortgage Refinance

Why Switching Your ARM to Fixed-Rate Is More Important Than Ever

Lock in a low interest rate today before the inevitable climb.
Home Improvement

3 Home Remodeling Facts No One Likes to Talk About

Are you prepared for what's to come?
Getting Started

So You Want to Be a Landlord? How to Run a Credit Check on a Prospective Tenant

The legal way to screen out unreliable tenants and turn extra rooms into extra income.
Mortgage Refinance

5 Signs It's Time to Refinance Your Mortgage

Do any of these situations apply to you?
Solar Basics

Water and Power: How Rain and Clouds Affect Solar Energy Generation

How much does inclement weather affect solar energy production, and does it mean we need to have battery backup?
Energy Saving Tips

Tips That Help You Get the Most out of Your Solar Panels

We help you maximize use and savings.
Energy Saving Tips

Going Green Saves Green: a Cost-Effective Way to Live

A green household is more efficient and less expensive in these many ways.
Home Improvement

The Solar Panel Bump to Home Values

Energy bills down, home value up. We shine a light on the solar win-win.
Solar News

Large-Scale Solar Projects on the Rise in 2020

The dependability and the cost-effectiveness of solar power shine in a year of much uncertainty.
Solar News

The Rising Cost of Electricity

The lowdown on residential rates.
Solar Basics

Solar Panel Payback Period

How long will it take to break even?
Solar Basics

Panel Tech: the Breakthroughs

Technological leaps in solar energy systems then, now, and in the future.
Solar News

Where Solar Is Soaring and Why

These 10 states set the examples to follow coast to coast.
Solar Basics

Solar Panels: Fact vs. Fiction

Let's get to the truth about renewable energy.