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By Daniel Moore

Red Flags and Safeguards to Avoid Mortgage Fraud

Red flags and safeguards to avoid mortgage fraud. Learn effective safeguards with tips to protect yourself from different types of mortgage frauds.

Ever wondered how to protect yourself from mortgage fraud? With increasing cases of deceit in the real estate market, it's crucial to know the warning signs and preventive measures. Understanding red flags and safeguards can save you from financial loss and any legal troubles. Below, we’ll guide you through recognizing the dangers and securing your...
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Mortgage Refinance

How a "No Closing Costs" Refinance Really Works

Though you may have the option to sweep closing costs out of sight, don't push them out of mind.
Mortgage Refinance

Do This If You Have 3+ Years Left on Your ARM

In a time of low rates, refinancing can put homeowners into a more comfortable, predictable fixed-rate mortgage.
Debt Consolidation

Here Are the Best VA Refi Options for 2022

We break it all down here.
Home Equity

Turn Your Cash-Out Refi Into Riches With This One Simple Trick

Mortgage experts agree: 2022 is the year to cash-out refi into stock gold.
Mortgage Refinance

Watch for These 3 Things When Shopping for a Refi

Comparing offers is most effective when you know what might be hiding in the details.
Home Loan

Is This the Last Time We'll See Mortgage Rates Dip?

Why refinancing right now might be the only move to make.
Home Equity

3 Pleasant Side Effects of Your Home's Increased Value

How your finances change when you suddenly own a lot more home than before.
Home Equity

2022: The Year of the Cash-Out Refi

Home equity is booming, interest rates are dropping, and homeowners are laughing all the way to the bank.
Home Buying

Homes Are Growing Bigger Again

Reversing a 6-year trend, new single-family homes get bigger, so how are we using the extra space?
Mortgage Refinance

Ready to Refinance? Here's How to Get the Lowest Rate Possible

Unlock the key to your credit score and save big.
Solar News

With 1.5 Gigawatts of Big Installed Solar, Southeast Outpaces California for Third Year

America installed 4.5 GW of utility-scale solar in 2019, bringing the country's cumulative capacity to 29 GW.
Energy Saving Tips

Use These 6 Household Appliances Smarter for Lower Energy Bills

Many people are more familiar with the settings on their smartphone than their household appliances, but smarter use of your appliances will lower your energy bills.
Energy Saving Tips

5 Energy-Saving Tips for the Holidays

Combat a rise in energy expenses while spending time with your loved ones.
Solar News

Continued Strong, Growing Support for Renewable Energy, With a Generation Gap

Most Americans favor expanding our renewable energy sources, with the under-40 set most keen, surveys show.
Solar Basics

Should You Buy a Home With Solar Panels?

What you need to know about buying a house with a renewable energy system.
Solar News

Oil Companies Blend Renewable Energy Into the Mix

Profit and predictability drive a growing investment by Big Oil in solar, wind, and other green resources.
Solar News

Clean Energy Jobs Pay Better

Jobs in clean energy pay much more than average and, after the pandemic, are likely to recover quicker than fossil fuel jobs.
Solar News

Markets Are Moving Away From Fossil Fuels

You're probably divesting from fossil fuels without knowing it as markets shed carbon companies in favor of clean tech.
Solar News

What's the Future of Energy?

Which energy sources are set to dominate the industry?
Solar Basics

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Solar Installer

These tips can help you choose a solar company.