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By Mark Lawrence

Power Up Your Purchases: Financing Solar Panels with a Homeowner Loan

Power Up Your Purchases: Financing Solar Panels with a Homeowner Loan. Discover how solar loans for homeowners can make your solar investment more affordable and accessible.

Have you ever wondered how you can afford to invest in a solar energy system for your home? While solar panels are a fantastic way to save on energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint, the upfront cost can be daunting. Fortunately, solar loans for homeowners offer a solution that makes this investment more accessible and affordable. This compre...
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Learning Center: Mortgage Myths Debunked

Some of what you have heard about home loans simply isn't true.

Learning Center: Popular Loan Products at a Glance

Learn about the major choices because one kind of mortgage is the best fit for you.

Return of the Cash-Out Refi

The current cash-out refi boom looks a lot different from last time. Here’s why.

Learning Center: Pros and Cons of 15- and 30-Year Mortgages

No one has a crystal ball to see 15 years ahead, much less 30, but if you can swing a higher payment, a shorter term will save you a lot of money.

Learning Center: Interest and APR—What's the Difference?

You see two rates when you shop for a loan, and we explain why.
Solar News

Smart Electric Panels Are Coming to Solar Homeowners

Here’s what that means for you.
Fun Stuff

Dragonscales and Power Flowers: the Evolving Shape of Solar

Efficiency meets beauty in the latest, most intriguing solar capture designs.
Solar Basics

Winter-Prepping Your Home Solar Energy System

Preparing your solar power system for the cold season mainly involves battery maintenance because the panels are already winter-tough.
Solar Incentives

Energy Efficiency Makes Way for Enhanced Quality of Life

Energy conservation and health are intertwined.
Solar News

Two California Senators Just Changed the Solar Game With This New Bill

Less expensive solar panels and slashed energy bills promise to make this solar bill wildly popular.
Getting Started

Have You Ever Gotten Bad Real Estate Advice?

People share their top picks for the worst real estate advice out there.
Mortgage News

Breaking Down Fixed-Rate Refinances by the Years

The only answer to a volatile market is picking the right term.
Mortgage Refinance

Need Mortgage Refi Advice but Not Sure Where to Turn? Try Warren Buffett!

Buffett chimes in on mortgage refi boom with words of wisdom.
Household Finances

Money Right, Sleep Tight: 5 Tips to Destress Your Finances

Many people lose sleep worrying about money, while others practice these five strategies.
Home Equity

Homeowners Find Themselves Sitting on a Fortune

The time to cash out is right now.
Mortgage Refinance

One Brilliant Way a Cash-Out Refi Can Pay the Mortgage

Boss-level home improvement: Build a tiny house on your property, and the renter pays your mortgage.
Mortgage Refinance

Cash Out Refinances Are Suddenly All the Rage

Historically low rates are driving more and more homeowners to tap into their home equity.
Getting Started

Shape Up Your Finances Prior to a Refi or Mortgage

Follow this 4-step financial fitness program so lenders will see you at your best.
Mortgage Refinance

Are You Sitting on Refinance Gold?

A housing market downturn is great news for refinancing homeowners.
Household Finances

Stop Wasting Money Buying Rental Car Coverage Twice

Insurance by your credit card, even if there's a flat fee, is bound to be cheaper than what's offered by the rental car company.